Pre-Trial Disputes
Holistic planning for commercial litigation means getting it right from the start. Sometimes as a litigant, you need help with pre-trial disputes such as: identifying a defendant, working out if you have a case, or with preserving your rights and property as a small business or private client. Litigant’s Principal Solicitor is a seasoned professional with relevant experience in the use of preliminary discovery, interim preservation orders and applications for urgent interlocutory relief. Pre-trial disputes often relate to:-
- Preliminary Discovery
- Asset preservation orders (aka Freezing Orders / Mareva Orders)
- Limitation Periods
- Injunctions
- Subpoenas and Notices to Produce
- Privilege arguments
- Security for Costs
- Judgement before Trial
At Litigant your commercial dispute receives ongoing care and attention from our Principal Solicitor. Your legal advisor is focused on your long-term litigation goals and as a former barrister brings an added layer of technical ability to the suite of options available to you.